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The OG Salmon Warm Bowl

The OG Salmon Warm Bowl

With temperature dropping, we are warming up with a heart warming roasted chickpeas and sweet potatoes winter warm bowl called ” The OG Salmon Warm Bowl “. By pairing up with smoked salmon and fresh avocado, this gourmet warm bowl is ultimately your new best recipe. Drizzle generously with Rangoon Sunrise Burmese Salad Dressing ( ORIGINAL ) to get that pickled tea hint to warm up all your sensations.



Sweet Potato

Cooked Smoked Salmon

Canned Chickpeas

Cooked Rice


Rangoon Sunrise Orignial Salad Dressing


Cooking Rice

You can skip this by using cooked rice pouch – ready to eat if you want the bowl fast. Normally, I would cook rice in the rice cooker according to the instruction on the package. But I felt special today to make something that I don’t normally do. I mix the rice with some lentils and beans I found in the pantry and soak for about 20 minutes. Smaller grains should be enough to expand in that time. But I also add bigger beans like red kidney beans which needs overnight soaking. After that, I drain and wash the rice mixture 3 times to get the water clear. And left enough water to cook the amount of rice and beans mixture. This is usually depend on the type of the rice you use so better to follow the package instruction to get fluffy rice. Remember that any added beans and lentils would be considered into the ratio of water and rice. If you don’t have time to cook , just skip this and use instant rice pouch instead.

Air Fryer does the rest

In the mixing bowl, I place roughly chopped skin on sweet potato and drained canned chickpea. Into this, splash a dash of vegetable or olive oil, salt, pepper, sweet paprika, tumeric powder and chilli powder ( optional ). Use hands to mix them throughly for a good minute or two depend on how much vegetables in your bowl. Straight into the air fryer , in it goes for 12 -15 minutes at 200’C . Check in the half way and toss around to get all cooked evenly.


Plating up the Gourmet Bowl

I love recipes like this as I have found them fun to plating up all the elements and trying different ways to assemble. You can closely follow what I did here or use your imagination what your bowl would like to be and totally ditch my style. For example,there are many ways to cut avocado from thinly sliced and spread them , chop them up like how I did here or scoop the whole half from the shell and place into the bowl. Start with rice and bean mixture, sweet potato, chickpeas, smoked salmon ( shred them into smaller size , the skin here wasn’t plated ). Then I generously drizzle the Original Salad Dressing to get that pickled tea hint and it was instant winner dinner. Later, I have added our Burmese Salad Topper to get it extra CRUMCHY with every bite but didn’t took the photo with it.  So , get yourself pamper this winter with the delicious OG Salmon Warm Bowl! You can watch the recipe reel at our IG and FB pages alternatively @rangoonsunrise.